Thursday, January 14, 2010

How Do You Know Fake or Real Diamond?

Every time when we see a diamond ring, diamond necklace, diamond earrings
or some other diamond jewelery, our first question is:

Is it real?

Of course is it quite normal people to ask this question because diamonds are rare, expensive and not everybody can afford to have diamonds.
From the other side when there is some expensive goods on the market, there are an attempts to make a cheaper imitations or fake goods. In the history of the human kind there are numerous attempts and efforts for making fake diamonds or presenting some other crystals as diamonds.
One of the crystals which are very often misused as a fake diamonds are Cubic Zirconium.

Cubic zirconia (or CZ) is the cubic crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. This is a sunthetic material (there is also a natural counterpart) which means that it is man made and can be produced in the huge quantities. The price of the cubic zirconia is very low and it is used widely by producers of cheap jewlery, but also in many other industries like optic, timepieces, etc...

The expert can tell the difference between the cubic zirconia and the diamonds by many diferences but easiest way is Index of Fraction, the weight, and hardness.

Diamonds have the highest Index od Fraction and cubic zirconium have higher dispersion of light so the trained eue can easy tell which of the crustals presented is diamond and which one is CZ. The second way to tell the difference is weight. Cubic zirconium is 1,7 times than weight of the real diamond of the same size. The hardness of both is also very different and diamonds are much harder than CZ but the first two ways are suficient for the experts to tell the difference.

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